Without rhyme or reason: All the activities that inspire me and relate to the creation of ARTIST BOOKS
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
4o. Festival Internacional de Libros
Me alegra saber que el festival fue todo un éxito y que mis libros de artista Home Sweet Home, Foreclosure, y Pagoda fueron mostrados en la librería Central del Raval en Barcelona.
Este es un enlace al blog que Julia Pelletier, directora del festival, mantiene del festival y de sus libros.
I grew up in Colombia and now live in Ames, IA. My interest in book arts has inspired me to integrate book binding and literature in various creative projects. I write poetry and create handmade books with several papermaking, and adhesive and non-adhesive bookbinding techniques. I was the recipient of the 2007 Jeoraldean S. McClain Art History Fellowship to study historic bookmaking techniques with Master Bookbinder Jan Sobota in Loket, Czech Republic.
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